puppy-nest.com displays Google AdSense ads provided by third-party companies. These companies may use information (but never name, address, e-mail address and telephone number) about your visits to these or other websites to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
Google (as a supplier) uses cookies to display ads. Thanks to the DART cookie, Google can serve ads to users based on their visits to websites on the Internet.
DoubleClick’s DART cookie is used by Google in advertisements displayed on the websites of participants displaying AdSense for content ads. When a user visits an AdSense Participant’s website and views or clicks on an advertisement, a cookie may be sent to that end user’s browser.
Data collected from these cookies enables AdSense participants to better serve and manage ads on their sites and across the Internet.
The operator that displays Google Adsense advertising on its pages has nothing to do with this data collection. Google is fully responsible for the collection of information.
If you do not want this data to be collected about you, you can disable cookies or disable JavaScript in your browser.
Codes of other companies (Facebook and similar)
The puppy-nest.com page may also contain codes from other companies, for example Facebook.com, which analyze the behavior of the site visitor for advertising purposes.
Puppy-nest.com does not provide the information obtained in this way to any third parties and is intended exclusively for the internal needs of the site with the aim of improving the quality of our products, site content and services provided.